Friday, March 25, 2011

Dear Papa,

Not only is today Friday, but it is also my father's birthday. This is one of his favorite songs (his top in the field of patriarchal exultation). Although I won't be able to see him today, the next time I do I'll be able to play this for him on the guitar (something I couldn't have done a year ago).

"Mi Querido Viejo" by Piero

Es un buen tipo mi viejo                                 (My old man’s a good guy)
que anda solo y esperando.                            
(who goes off alone and waiting.)
Tiene la tristeza larga                                      (He has a long, sad face)
de tanto venir andando.                                  (from so much coming and going.)

Yo lo miro desde lejos                                    (I look like him from afar)
pero somos tan distintos.                                (but we are so distinct.)
Es que crecio con el siglo,                              (It's just that he aged with the century)
con tranvía y vino tinto.                                 
(alongside the tramway and red wine.)

Viejo, mi querido viejo.                                 (Father, my dear old man.)

Ahora ya camina lerdo,                                 (Now your stride is lame,)
como perdonando el viento.                        
(as if you’re pardoning the wind.)
Yo soy tu sangre, mi viejo.                            (I am your blood, old man.)
Soy tu silencio y tu tiempo.                           (I’m your silence and your time.)

El tiene los ojos buenos                                   (He has good eyes)
y una figura pesada.                                        (and a heavy figure.)
La edad se le vino encima                               (The years have come upon him)
sin carnaval ni comparsa.                                (with neither a carnaval nor a krewe.)

Yo tengo los años nuevos                               (I have the new years)
y el hombre los años viejos.                            (and he has the old years.)
El dolor lo lleva dentro                                   (He carries the pain inside)
y tiene historias sin tiempo.                            
(and he has timeless tales.)

Viejo, mi querido viejo.                                 (Father, my dear old man.)

Ahora ya camina lerdo,                                 (Now your stride is lame,)
como perdonando el viento.                        
(as if you’re pardoning the wind.)
Yo soy tu sangre, mi viejo.                            (I am your blood, old man.)
Soy tu silencio y tu tiempo.                           (I’m your silence and your time.)

Yo soy tu sangre mi viejo.                              (I am your blood, old man.)
Yo soy tu silencio y tu tiempo ...                    (I’m your silence and your time …)

Oh, happy day!

1 comment:

  1. This makes my mom cry every time she hears it. It was her favorite song for my grandfather.

    In turn, this blog made me cry lol
