Sunday, September 30, 2012

Excuses, excuses...

It's that time again... the time when I say I'm too busy to keep this blog updated. Not that it's too much of a surprise if you've been following me (or nagging me), but now it's official. I won't go into detail on the reasons why I'm busy because excuses are excuses.

And as always, this is not an end all be all. I'll post some posts when I get the chance, but it will most likely not be on a monthly basis. In any case, I have a back catalog of interesting entries that should keep any newcomer entertained for a while.

But I won't leave you all totally hanging. I did promise to make at least one post in the month of September and so I'll leave you with the stylings of an artist who just won't stop being awesome: Audrey Assad (you can check out a little blurb about her at the end of this).

"Carry You" by Audrey Assad

And just for kicks, here's a Pokémeme...

I choose to believe,