Saturday, December 30, 2017

The Great Podcast List of 2017

With the year drawing to a close, a good resolution to consider would be to check out some podcasts you've never come across (or pick up podcast listening in general if this is your introduction). I mean, becoming smarter and gaining a more well-rounded perspective of the world on a weekly basis isn't such a bad way to pass 2018. So below are 120+ podcasts that both me and my wife have encountered since we first started listening.

Titles are organized by style of podcast and then sorted alphabetically. Since there is a mixture of genres as well as personal familiarity presented, the simplest way I chose to sift the wheat from the chaff was to rate them out of five stars like a standard podcast app. These ratings are based on my personal-Catholic-manly-engineering-musical background so take it all with a grain of salt.

5/5 - Recommended unabashedly for superior content and practicality.
4/5 - Frequently deep discussions that requires familiarity with jargon.
3/5 - Good content for its genre and doesn't delve into the weeds too much.
2/5 - Sometimes insightful, mostly passable.
1/5 - Avoid altogether or listen at your own risk! Usually carries a heavily contrarian agenda.
?/5 - Not enough listening experience to garner an accurate rating.

N.B. - I've complied a more detailed list of 20 podcasts here from January 2016.

P.S. - I didn't want to wait to get the list out before completely finishing the post, so there are some missing descriptions that I will include in the next couple of days.

Catholic - Commentary / Keynote / Presentation [19]

All Things Catholic (4/5) - Dr. Edward Sri offers insights on living a deeper and richer Catholic faith.

Aquinas College Lecture Series (?/5) - Older talks from Aquinas College

Aquinas College Podcast (?/5) - Guest lectures from Aquinas College in Nashville.

Augustine Institute Special Events (3/5) - Keynote speakers from the Augustine Institute in Denver.

Catholic:Under the Hood (3/5) - Franciscan Fr. Seraphim Beshoner offers a slow and thorough of the history of the Catholic Church through all its ecclesiastical conflicts and theological clarifications.

Faith & Family Radio (?/5) - Tools from Steve Wood on equipping your family with the tools of the Catholic faith.

Fr. Z's Blog (4/5) - Fr. John Zuhlsdorf provides daily reflections during key liturgical seasons and traditional perspectives on certain Church issues.

Hobo For Christ (3/5) - Traveling speaker Meg Hunter-Kilmer gives catechetical talks to a variety of audiences on the Catholic faith.

iPadre Catholic Podcast (2/5) - Catholic reflections from Fr. Jay Finelli.

Latin Mass Project (3/5) - Education on the history and structure of the Latin Mass.

The Latin Prayer Podcast (5/5) - Dylan Drego records traditional Latin prayers for the podcasting public since no one else has thought this was a good idea before.

Lepanto Institute (3/5) - Journalist Michael Hichborn offers a detailed look into some of the organizations running under the helm of the barque of Peter.

Light of the East (4/5) - Byzantine Catholic priest Fr. Thomas Loya reflects on special feasts and seasons in the Byzantine calendar and offers points of interest in the efforts of East-West unity.

Liturgical Institute (?/5) - Keynote talks from the Liturgical Institute.

Peter Kreeft (4/5) - Recordings for the great mind of theologian and philosopher Peter Kreeft.

Pints With Aquinas (5/5) - Matt Fradd breaks open the dense Summa Theologiae of St. Thomas Aquinas one question at a time with such precision that a guy at a bar can understand.

Taylor Marshall Catholic Show (4/5) - Dr. Taylor Marshall tackles tough apologetic questions head on with the magnanimity that only a Catholic theological background can offer.

Thomas Aquinas College Lectures & Talks (4/5) - Keynotes and commencement speeches from the famed liberal arts school.

The Thomistic Institute (4/5) - Recordings from lecture series given by the friars at the Dominican House of Studies in Washington, D.C.

Catholic - Conversations [24]

4Fathers (2/5) - Four priests from the Diocese of St. Petersburg have a roundtable on a topic or issue posed to either them or to their flock.

Abiding Together (?/5) - Two moms and a sister offer prayer support amidst life's difficulties.

Between the Pint and the Cross (?/5) - Casual conversations from Chris and Edmund from Reverb Culture.

Catching Foxes (3/5) - Laid-back and sometimes irreverent conversations between youth ministers Luke and Gomer about pop culture and how not to be a prude in the adult Catholic world.

Catholic Drinkie Show (2/5) - Sarah Vabulas and Fr. Kyle discuss equal parts Spirit and spirits.

Catholic Hipster (2/5) - Tommy Tighe and Sarah Vabulas talk about everything you didn't know was in the Catholic Church's treasury of cool.

Catholic in a Small Town (?/5) - Faithful married couple talk about their everyday life.

The Catholic Man Show (?/5) - Tips on how to be a great Catholic without being a giant wuss.

Catholic Stuff You Should Know (5/5) - A pair of priests, either from Denver or Rome, riff on anything under the Catholic sun with a lot of knowledge and common sense to boot.

Divine Intimacy Radio (4/5) - Tools for cultivating a fruitful prayer life using the advice of the saints, hosted by Dan Burke and Melissa Elson.

Fountains of Carrots (4/5) - Bloggers Christy Isinger and Haley Stewart talk to the beauty in parenting and art and show that being a stay-at-home mom doesn't mean that you live under a rock.

Halfway Saints (3/5) - Spouses Daniel and Holly Guertin share experiences of God's grace acting in their lives as a young married couple with small children.

Hearts and Minds (?/5) - Trent Horn and Timmerie Millington tackle modern issues from a Catholic perspective.

How-to Catholic (4/5) - Spouses Lisa and Kevin Cotter give succinct and practical how-tos on living a life faithful to all the Church asks of us and not get overwhelmed by it.

Jesuitical (2/5) - Young adults Olga Segura, Ashley McKinless and Zac Davis, editors at America magazine, suss out current events and the Catholic faith in a millennial-style inquisition.

The Jennifer Fulwiler Show (?/5) - Light-hearted reflections on life from a Catholic convert.

The Liturgy Guys (4/5) - A liturgist, an architect and a layman sit down to hash out the meanings behind the symbols and rubrics of Catholic worship in an academic and light-hearted manner.

My Best Friend the Rhino (3/5) - Friends Declan Wilson and Justin Tomko tackle a teaching of the Catholicism and approach the answer in a truthful and straightforward way for beginners in the faith.

old bite - Reverb Culture (?/5) - Casual conversations from Chris and Edmund from Reverb Culture.

The Practical Catholic (3 4/5) - Self-described as an "average" podcast, this above-average production by Connor Bowen, Kevin Gulig and Chris Ruether distills key tenants of the Catholic faith to tangible lived experiences and expressions.

Sons of Thunder (4/5) - Dads Daniel Cornell and Kevin Kramer address hard-hitting theological topics with the wisdom of the saints and the Catechism.

Three Dogs North (3/5) - Three friends from Mundelein Seminary, one priest and two deacons, have a regular conference call to help bolster each other through challenges in ministry or prayer by seeing the beauty of the faith.

What is Pope Francis Saying Now? (2/5) - Succinct analysis of the hot-takes coming from the Pontiff's mouth.

Catholic - Homilies [8]

Archbishop Chaput's Homilies (4/5) - Recorded homilies on the Sunday Mass readings from Archbishop Charles Chaput of Philadelphia.

Bishop Robert Barron's Sermons (5/5) - Bishop Robert Barron of Santa Barbara spends 15 minutes highlighting a key theme from the Sunday readings.

Fides et Ratio (?/5) - Homilies by Fr. Chris Pietraszko.

Lanky Guys (5/5) - Dr. Scott Powell and Fr. Peter Mussett from Bolder, Colorado, do a deep study of all the readings for Sunday, replete with research, context, exegesis and doctrinal themes that tie everything together.

SaskaPriest (?/5) - Homilies by Fr. Darryl Millette.

St. Paul Center for Biblical Theology (3/5) - 3 minute reflections on the Sunday readings by the illustrious Biblical scholar Dr. Scott Hahn.

Sunday, Sunday, Sunday Podcast (3/5) - Mark Hart from Lifeteen reflects on the Sunday readings.

UMD Newman Catholic (4/5) - Recorded homilies that tie in week-to-week in a series by Fr. Mike Schmitz, the chaplain of the Newman Center in University of Minnesota Duluth.

Catholic - Interviews [20]

The After Dinner Scholar (?/5) - Faculty of Wyoming Catholic College have short conversations on books that shape their thinking as well as the curriculum of the school.

Among the Lilies (3/5) - Cameron Fradd holds no-frills conversations with women of all stripes on how to exemplify the feminine genius and how to stand back up after encountering difficulties.

Behind the Catholic Counter (3/5) - From Aquinas and More online store, interviews with Catholic authors on their latest releases.

Catholic Answers Focus (3/5) - Interviews with Catholic authors and thinkers on their area of expertise.

Catholic Answers Live (3/5) - Call-in radio show with prominent players in the Catholic speaking circuit.

Catholic Creatives (4/5) - Conversations with players and influences of the Catholic Creatives project, a fellowship of artists intending to launch a new Renaissance.

The Catholic Feminist (3/5) - Claire Swinarski reclaims the title "feminist" from the secular realm to show that the Catholic Church values the dignity of all people and the exemplifies the beauty of the woman through the variety of guests she interviews.

Catholic Phoenix (4/5) - Doug Connolly from Phoenix, Arizona, talks to individuals from a vast spectrum of professions and how they live out their faith in their daily work. (3/5) - Deeper presentations of articles from the UK newspaper.

CCMA Leadership (3/5) - Tips on how to amp up Catholic campus ministry from leaders who are successful at just that.

Discerning Hearts (4/5) - Umbrella title for a multitude of podcasts offering tools for strengthening prayer and spiritual exercises.

Do Something Beautiful (4/5) - Former runway model Leah Darrow interviews ordinary people loving in extraordinary ways to show that beauty consists in simply living out God's commandment to love.

First Things (5/5) - Julia Yost brings in contributors to the magazine to expound on the spiritual principals that affect our public experience in conversations that are always intelligent and sometimes sarcastic.

Go Forth with Heather and Becky (4/5)

Just One Small Thing (?/5)

Integrity Restored (4/5)

Letters to Women (2/5)

Live Inspired (?/5)

OnePeterFive (4/5)

The Word on Fire Show (4/5) - Bishop Robert Barron answers questions on Catholicism, from broad themes to specific Q&As.

Your Catholic Life (?/5)

Christian - Solid Stuff (Orthodox) [4]

5 Minutes in Church History (?/5) - Dr. Stephen Nichols, president of Reformation Bible College, offers trivia-sized lessons on the history of Christianity.

God and Comics (3/5) - Three Episcopalian priests and comic book nerds talk about the theology latent in their favorite stories.

Pop Culture Coffee Hour (4/5) - Dads Steven Christoforou and Christian Gonzalez comb through today's hit movies and shows for lessons compatible with the Greek Orthodox tradition.

The Theopolis Podcast (4/5) - Peter Leithart, president of the Theopolis Institute, gives reflections on the Sunday readings for the Missouri Synod Lectionary (which closely follows the Catholic Novus Ordo Lectionary) as well as other lectures and keynotes.

Christian - Weak Sauce (Heterodox) [4]

Magnificat Media (3/5) - A traditional Catholic channel with a variety of shows that range from history to parenting to gardening; does lean occasionally on the SSPX side.

The Liturgist Project (1/5) - Musician Michael Gungor and science-minded Mike McHargue tow the line of deconstructionism to create a liturgical mindset that is part-esoteric and part-pragmatic under the guise of a "Christian" worship experience.

Sermons - St. Gertrude the Great (2/5) - Homilies from an independent "Catholic" Church with solid traditional reflections that are frequently marred by jabs at the papacy.

Member Supported Restoration Radio (1/5) - The media arm of True Restoration, this podcast is good only to understand the intellectual justification sedevacantists have for their position.

Educational [18]

Adam Ruins Everything (5/5)

All Things Considered (?/5)

Creative Therapy Hive (3/5)

The Jordan B. Peterson Podcast (4/5)

The Fall of Rome (4/5)

H3 Podcast (?/5)

Half Hour of Heterodoxy (?/5)

The History of Rome (?/5)

History on Fire (3/5)

How to Do Everything (?/5)

The Moth Podcast (3/5)

Radio Ambulante (3/5)

Revolutions (4/5)

StoryCorps (3/5)

Stuff You Should Know (4/5) - Josh Clark and Charles W. "Chuck" Bryant take stuff both big and small and break them down to their nuts and bolts to learn anything you'd every want to learn about them.

TED Radio Hour (3/5)

TED Talks (3/5)

The Way I Heard It (3/5)

What's The Point (3/5) - Statistics aiding in the understanding of social, scientific and historical trends.

Lifestyle [14]

The Art of Charm (?/5)

The Art of Manliness (5/5) - Valuable lessons from sources new and old on how to be a great man in today's age.

Ask Me Another (?/5)

Car Talk (?/5)

The Carriere Show (3/5)

ChooseFI | Financial Independence (?/5)

The Clarke Howard Show (?/5)

Code Switch (2/5)

The Dave Ramsey Show (?/5)

Jocko Podcast (?/5)

The Joe Rogan Experience (?/5)

Judge John Hodgman (2/5)

Love People Use Things (?/5) - Continuation of Matt Fradd's project of porn awareness and recovery, from a non-religious perspective.

Maccabee Society (3/5)

Pop Culture Happy Hour (3/5)

Music [8]

All Songs Considered (4/5) Premier music discovery and journalism podcast under the tutelage of NPR hosts Bob Boilen and Robin Hilton.

Alt.Latino (3/5) - A peek into the musicians that are pushing boundaries in Latin America.

From the Top (4/5) - A well-organized showcase of classical music played by the hands of today's young talent.

KEXP Song of the Day (4/5) - An mp3 a day of the best up-and-coming in the alt-indie scene to get you through the work week.

Noise Pop (4/5) - Showcase of artists to keep and ear to the ground for.

Song Exploder (5/5) - Hrishikesh Hirway sits down with artists as they break down the composition and recording of one of their songs.

Stuff from the B-Side (4/5) - Deep cuts from underground musical acts.

Politics [3]

The Ben Shapiro Show (4/5) - Intelligent conservative perspective of the crazed muck that is the American political scene and the mainstream coverage of it.

FiveThirtyEight Politics (3/5) - Number-crunching analytics that help make sense of political trends.

NPR Politics Podcast (2/5) - Simplified and short-handed coverage of front-page political news.

Happy listening!
Kelvin and Annie

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