Monday, June 6, 2011

Love IX

I've described my method of making mixtapes in the last post. Today, I'd like to give an example of what I consider to be an okay mixtape. This is the 9th mix I compiled (circa January 2010).

Like I said before, when you give out a mix it's a gift from one admirer to one apple-of-their-eye. Therefore, reusing the same mix is bad protocol on the mixer's end. As such, you can consider this mixtape as a gift from me to the Internet and the members therein (especially my loyal readers... all 5 of you...). =]

Love IX Tracklist
  1. "Plug In Baby" by Muse
  2. "About a Girl" by Nirvana [guitar smashing not originally included]
  3. "Carpathia" by Taking Back Sunday [specifically the album version]
  4. "Believe" by The Bravery
  5. "Go with the Flow" by Queens of the Stone Age
  6. "Crystal" by New Order
  7. "Still Take You Home" by Arctic Monkeys
  8. "Any Way You Want It" by Journey
  9. "Buena" by Bacilos
  10. "Here Comes Your Man" by Pixies
  11. "NARC" by Interpol
  12. "Light My Fire" by The Doors
  13. "Up and Up" by Relient K
  14. "Dime Ven" by Motel
  15. "Work" by Jimmy Eat World
  16. "Girl's Not Grey (Acoustic)" by AFI
  17. "Tonight, Tonight" by The Smashing Pumpkins [specifically the album version]
  18. "A Letter to Elise" by The Cure
  19. "Everything" by Lifehouse

I hope you enjoyed it! And that you're inspired to create some mixes of your own!

(Edit: Per somebody's smart suggestion, I've compiled these songs into a YouTube playlist so as to better get the feel of listening to an actual mix CD. You can listen to it here and it is also embedded below.)

It's just not me to wear it on my sleeve,

1 comment:

  1. what would have been cool is if you took each youtube video and made a youtube playlist

    then we could listen to them in order and get the full effect of the mix cdness

