... I must report that I will be taking a hiatus. It's been just a month since the start of my senior year, and I have not found the time in my schedule to keep this blog updated.
It started as a hobby and a source of release, and I had loads of fun doing this. I didn't mind the amount of time dedicated and energy invested (nocturnally) to keep this going. But as of late, it has become a chore, and also sort of a job. Now I have to listen to music and have to discover new topics to discuss, instead of it being just for kicks.
There's still a bunch of ideas for future posts buzzing in my head, but until I find the grace to manage all the rest that life throws at me, I will set these drafts aside for a while. If this bums you out, then I'm sorry for making you feel this way. If you don't really care, then I'm sorry you don't feel otherwise. =P
I don't know why you say goodbye,